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Coding Classes for your kids- Top 4 Reasons to teach Coding for your kids for great academic records

meta description: If you want to set up a bright future with great academic records for your child, you should be teaching coding!

learning Coding brings great opportunities for kids to improve their academics in the field of mathematics. It also provides immense value for various skills in life

There are abundant reasons, why schools should consider coding at an early age

Why Coding?

Learning Coding is a simple way of establishing a mode of connection with a computer; it is a way of communicating with the computer through which it can understand various tasks.

That is giving certain set of instructions to perform a particular task or function, coding can be done to develop websites, video game, application for an android.

How can you help your kids in learning coding? Even a 5 year old child can learn coding through various lists of coding concept and teaching. First basic things needed for learning coding is not have a computer you heard me right! Simple physical activity of using a Deck of Cards can be used to teach coding. Why Coding is important?

It’s an incredible fact that a child’s brain doubles the size every year and keeps on growing to be 80% of an adult brain by the age of 3 years, and reaches 90% by the time child is 5 years old.

A child’s Brain becomes a commander in chief for the body even at an early age of 5 years

Kids have stronger cognitive skills, critical thinking and creative mind, during their early childhood they are open to learn anything and everything imposed on their brain

Let us check out the top 4 reasons for a kid to learn coding?

1. Coding on various programming can make your child learn problem solving techniques understanding on how things work and also using this software can make your children relatively sharp in mathematics. Coding is a rapid way to teach them logical and creative thinking.

2. Learning coding makes children quite easily accessible for various other skills, especially when they are programming on a computer in the form of coding, children come up with various challenges, and coding can help become resilient.

3. Coding can teach kids to face failure and bounce back again and try again to succeed. This is one quality which has to be built in a side of a very young age.

Coding improves thinking capacity in children, thinking differently and creatively is a major quality which has to be implanted in children from a very young age, gaining the ability to effectively and efficiently work can make your child a strong logical thinker.

4. Coding teaches adaptability in kids by breaking down a simple problem into small pieces solving it in the game. Joining it together often brings a great computational power of thinking and swift reacting to a stimulus.

Key Notes Computer and internet are the future; in an extremely fast developing digital world being skillful is extremely important for the upcoming generation.

If your child is well equipped with learning to code at a very young age, it will bring a lot of advantages for him or her in future employment and especially in the technology, finance, health, retail, business, marketing and so on. Mathematics is one subject that allows creative thinking and implementing strategies, also a child who is well versed in Mathematics by default is easily accessible to developing coding activities like analyzing and data organizing.

Some FAQ’s Related to Coding

Should every child learn coding?

To develop building capacity, great communication skills and adaptability in working environment children should be taught coding from a very young age. It allows children to navigate into various social and collaborative platforms.

It also help them to perform academic and well, it a good trait to teach coding.

· Kids developed an attitude of problem solving capability. It also encourages them to be more and more creative and imagination. It also brings a strong Foundation if at all they choose computers and internet in future.

Is coding good for your child brain development?

Coding gives a great workout for the brain by increasing its ability to be vigilant and

performs various tasks with greater strength and complexity.

· It makes your child’s brain to think in a multidimension

What is the child’s future in coding?

· If we enter into coding field it can provide various opportunities in a very cooperative and spirited space, coding is a divergent platform it brings a future full of opportunity.

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