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Narcotic dog searching in BC

There is an unprecedented increase in demand for narcotic dog searching in BC and across other parts of Canada. We have greater access to highly trained drug detection canines with highly skilled professionals to handle narcotic detection dogs.

You can experience sophisticated support from us in your workplaces or public spaces such as transportation, industries, schools, restaurants, outdoor and more places that have public contact

We are a well-equipped law enforcement team of dog handlers and sniffer dog officials in BC. In our services, you can expect a well-presented service covering all legal liabilities and the best in the market for acquiring a return for your investment with us. We offer an extensive and valuable on-site service of narcotic dog searching and detection in BC

Some key points to note:

ª What can sniffer dogs find?

Sniffer dogs can find firearms, human remnants, invasive, explosives, and other prohibited drugs.

ª What are sniffer dogs trained to?

Sniffer dogs are widely trained to detect smells of narcotic drugs like marijuana, heroin, opiates, ecstasy, LSD, and marijuana

ª How far can sniffer dogs smell?

Dogs are highly sensitive to smell they can detect small a narcotic seed from 15 feet away, and they can also detect narcotic abuse residue on the clothes of victims who smoked two nights earlier

ª What’s the duration of a sniffer dog’s work?

A lot of factors contribute to the same like age, weather, number of people in the vicinity, and rest breaks. etc. As a thumb rule, a sniffer dog should do the work in 20 mins on and off.

Take Away

To provide additional monitoring and support systems, a narcotic drug detection service has to be at your organization or a company or an institution, if you have an anti-substance policy.

To provide excellent services with accurate results we are here at your doorstep, i,e. indoor, outdoor, or in any other remote location or public place.

Our esteemed team of certified trainers can very well work on narcotic detection and handle any scenario

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